Water to Air Reverse Cycle Heat Pumps

Water to Air Reverse Cycle Heat Pumps are a heat pump system which gives the opportunity for efficient operation through heat recovery. The water to air reverse cycle heat pump system is also known as the versatemp system after the first commercial system produced by Clivet Ltd. The system (below figure) is comprised of room based reverse cycle heat pumps. These heat pumps have an air coil which supplies heat or cooling to the room depending on the direction of refrigerant flow. The other coil is part of a refrigerant to water heat exchanger. The water flow and return pipes to this heat exchanger connect into common flow and return pipes which also serve other reverse cycle heat pumps throughout the building.

Heat pumps operating in cooling mode will extract heat from the room and deposit it into the water circuit. Other heat pumps which are in heating mode will take heat from the circuit. In this way the reject heat say from computer rooms can be recovered and deposited into rooms requiring heating. If it is required additional heating or cooling can be input to the water loop using boilers or chillers respectively.